November birth flower chart


Imagine a vibrant flower that can light up even the dullest November day. That’s the magic of the November birth flower. If you were born in this chilly month or have a special connection to it, you’re in for a treat. Let’s dive into everything you need to know about the November birth flower, from its symbolism to its care.

November Birth Flower Facts: Learn and Explore

General Information

Flower of the Month:

The November birth flower isn’t just a random pick; it is rich in history and meaning. Known primarily as the Chrysanthemum, this flower has captivated hearts worldwide for centuries.
Chrysanthemums are the stars of November. They come in various colors, each with its unique charm and significance. So, if you’re celebrating a November birthday, you’re in the company of one of nature’s most stunning blooms.


Chrysanthemums boast a wide range of forms. They never fail to impress, from daisy-like blooms to more intricate, pom-pom shapes. Their petals can be slender and delicate or broad and bold, adding to their versatile appeal.

Meaning and Symbolism

The November birth flower symbolizes joy, love, and happiness. In some cultures, it’s also seen as a sign of longevity and rebirth. Giving someone a chrysanthemum is like giving a hug wrapped in petals – it’s all about warmth and care.

Origin and History

Chrysanthemums have their roots in ancient China. Originally used for medicinal purposes, they eventually went to Japan, where they became a symbol of the emperor and the imperial family. Today, they’re loved worldwide for their beauty and versatility.

Interesting Facts

Chrysanthemums were first cultivated in China as a flowering herb.
They are one of the most popular flowers worldwide, especially in Japan.
In Australia, they are traditionally given to mothers on Mother’s Day.

Cultural Significances

In Japan, the chrysanthemum is celebrated with a national festival called the Festival of Happiness. Meanwhile, in China, it’s associated with nobility and elegance. Across various cultures, this flower holds a special place in hearts and traditions.

Modern Day Uses

These flowers are not just pretty faces; they have practical uses, too. They are used in teas, traditional medicines, and even in insecticides. Plus, they make stunning additions to any floral arrangement.

Healing Properties

Believe it or not, chrysanthemums are known for their healing properties. They are used in teas to help with sore throats, reduce fever, and even boost your immune system. So, the next time you see a chrysanthemum, know it’s more than just a pretty face.

What Do November Birth Flowers Say About Personality

If chrysanthemums are your birth flower, you’re likely a warm, positive, and supportive person. You bring joy to those around you and are often seen as a pillar of strength and beauty in your social circle.

Types and Varieties


There are over 40 species of chrysanthemums and thousands of cultivars. Some popular varieties include the spider chrysanthemum, pom-pom chrysanthemum, and the anemone chrysanthemum. Each type has its unique charm, making it impossible not to find one that you love.

Flower Colors with Their Meanings

Red: Love and deep passion.
Yellow: Unrequited love or slighted love.
White: Purity and innocence.
Purple: Nobility and high status.

Growth and Care

Growth Habit

Chrysanthemums are easy to care for. They thrive in well-drained soil and need at least six hours of sunlight daily. Water them regularly, but avoid getting the leaves wet to prevent mould.
These flowers have a bushy growth habit and can reach heights up to three feet. They spread out nicely, making them excellent for garden borders or as a centrepiece in flower beds.

Blooming Season

  • Chrysanthemums bloom from late summer to fall, making them perfect for adding a splash of colour to your garden as other plants start to fade.

Sunlight and Soil

  • These flowers love the sun. Please ensure they get plenty of sunlight and are planted in rich, well-draining soil. They can handle a bit of shade but will bloom best with full sun exposure.

Garden Uses

  • Chrysanthemums are versatile garden plants. Use them to create stunning borders, add color to your flower beds, or even grow them in pots for a beautiful patio display.
    Plant your chrysanthemums in the spring after the last frost. Space them about 18 inches apart to give them room to grow and flourish.

Care and Tips

  • Regularly deadhead your chrysanthemums to encourage more blooms. Pinching back the stems in early summer can also help create a fuller plant with more flowers.


  • Chrysanthemums are hardy plants that can withstand cooler temperatures. However, mulch them in late fall to protect their roots from the winter cold.

Common Pests and

  • Watch out for aphids, spider mites, and mildew. Regularly inspect your plants and treat any issues promptly with appropriate measures.

Indoor vs. Outdoor

  • While they thrive outdoors, chrysanthemums can also be grown indoors with the right care. Ensure they have plenty of light and keep them in a cool, draft-free spot.

Flower Last in Vase

  • Cut chrysanthemums can last up to two weeks in a vase. Change the water regularly and trim the stems every few days to keep them fresh.

Uses and Arrangements

Flower Arrangements

  • Chrysanthemums are popular in floral arrangements. Their variety of colors and shapes makes them perfect for any bouquet, from casual to formal.
    Create stunning arrangements by pairing chrysanthemums with other fall flowers like asters and dahlias. Their vibrant colors can brighten up any room.

Flower Gifting

  • Giving chrysanthemums as a gift is a lovely gesture. They symbolize joy and positivity, making them perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because.

November Specific

Birth Stone of Said

November’s birthstone is the Topaz. Pairing a gift of chrysanthemums with a topaz jewellery piece can make a truly special and personalized gift.

November Zodiac

The zodiac signs for November are Scorpio and Sagittarius. Both signs are known for their passion and intensity, much like the bold chrysanthemum.

November Birthdays

If you know someone with a November birthday, a bouquet of chrysanthemums is a thoughtful and meaningful gift. It’s a way to show them how special they are.

November Birth Flower

Legend has it that a single petal of the chrysanthemum flower placed at the bottom of a wine glass encourages a long, healthy life. This tale adds a touch of magic to the already enchanting November birth flower.

FAQs About November Birth Flower

If you resonate with adaptability, unwavering cheer, and quiet inner strength, the chrysanthemum might be your match. If your spirit embodies gentle grace, a deep connection to love and family, and a quiet elegance, the peony might be your floral kindred.

Most chrysanthemum varieties are hardy in USDA zones 3-8, readily returning year after year. Peonies prefer colder climates and are hardy in zones 3-8, but their flower buds can be susceptible to late frosts. Take necessary precautions in colder regions.

Chrysanthemums complement fall foliage, ornamental grasses, and berries for a vibrant autumnal display. Peonies blend harmoniously with roses, irises, and clematis for a romantic and elegant garden combination.

  • Chrysanthemums: Dried chrysanthemum petals can be used in potpourri, incorporated into autumnal wreaths, or used to dye fabric. Their sturdy stems can be repurposed for craft projects like plant markers or decorative mobiles.
  • Peonies: Dried peony petals can be added to bath salts or tea blends for a relaxing aroma. Their vibrant colors can be used to create natural dyes for fabric or paper. Pressed peony blooms can be preserved in scrapbooks or framed for delicate floral artwork.

Let November’s Blossoms Guide You

From their contrasting appearances to their diverse meanings, the chrysanthemum and the peony paint a captivating picture of November’s spirit. Whether you find joy in the chrysanthemum’s resilient cheer or embrace the peony’s gentle grace, let these November birth flowers inspire you. Embrace the changing seasons with quiet resolve, nurture your inner strength and compassion, and find beauty in the fleeting moments of life. May November’s golden hues illuminate your path and guide you toward a season filled with warmth, love, and unwavering optimism.

Remember, November’s beauty lies not just in the falling leaves, but in the way it awakens the resilient spirit within each of us. So, step outside, breathe in the crisp air, and let the vibrant dance of chrysanthemums and peonies guide you toward a season of quiet grace and joyful living.