September birth flower chart


The Aster is the birth flower for September. This lovely flower comes in various colors and adds beauty to any garden. It’s known for its star-like shape, which is how it got its name—’Aster’ means ‘star’ in Greek.

September Birth Flower Facts: Learn and Explore

General Information

Flower of the Month:

The Aster is the birth flower for September. This lovely flower comes in various colors and adds beauty to any garden. It’s known for its star-like shape, which is how it got its name—’Aster’ means ‘star’ in Greek.


Asters are not just pretty; they come in different sizes and shapes. These flowers usually have a central yellow disk surrounded by colorful petals. They can be found in shades of purple, pink, white, and blue. Plus, they attract butterflies, making your garden even more lively!

Meaning and Symbolism

Asters symbolize wisdom, faith, and courage. In ancient times, people believed burning aster leaves could drive away serpents. Today, they’re often associated with love and patience. So, if you’re gifting asters, you’re sending a message of strong and enduring love.

Origin and History

Asters originated in Europe and Asia. They’ve been admired since ancient times, with even the Greeks and Romans holding them in high regard. Over time, these flowers spread to different parts of the world, becoming a favorite for many gardeners.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that asters can grow up to eight feet tall? Or that there are over 600 species of asters? Some species bloom in the wild, adding natural beauty to meadows and fields. Asters are also known for their long blooming period, lasting from late summer to fall.

Cultural Significances

In many cultures, asters are seen as a symbol of afterthought and love. They often appear in literature and art, symbolizing elegance and grace. In some traditions, they’re used in weddings and other ceremonies to bring good luck.

Modern Day Uses

Today, asters are popular in floral arrangements and bouquets. Gardens often use them to create colorful borders and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. You can also find them in herbal remedies, thanks to their medicinal properties.

Healing Properties

Asters have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. They’re believed to help with respiratory issues and reduce inflammation. While they’re not as commonly used today, some herbalists still value their healing properties.

What Do September Birth Flowers Say About Personality

Like their birth flower, people born in September are known for their wisdom and patience. They tend to be thoughtful and caring, always looking out for others. Compared to those born in August, represented by the gladiolus, September-born individuals are more serene and reflective.

Types and Varieties


Asters come in many varieties, each with its unique charm. Some popular types include New England Asters, tall and vibrant, and Alpine Asters, shorter and perfect for rock gardens. Each variety has its growing habits and preferences, making it easy to find one that suits your garden.

Flower Colors with Their Meanings

Asters come in a rainbow of colors, each with its special meaning. Purple asters represent wisdom and royalty. Pink ones symbolize love and sensitivity. White asters represent purity and innocence, while blue asters convey calmness and trust. No matter the color, asters are sure to brighten up any space.

Growth and Care

Growth Habit

Asters are easy to grow, making them a favorite for novice and experienced gardeners. They typically grow in clumps and can spread over time. Depending on the variety, they can reach heights of anywhere from a foot to over eight feet.

Blooming Season

  • Asters usually bloom from late summer to early fall. Their long blooming period means you can enjoy their vibrant colors for weeks. They often bloom until the first frost, providing late-season beauty in your garden.

Sunlight and Soil

  • Asters love the sun, so make sure to plant them where they can get at least six hours of sunlight a day. They prefer well-drained soil but can adapt to various soil types. Adding compost can help improve soil quality and support healthy growth.

Garden Uses

  • Asters are versatile and can be used in various ways in the garden. They make excellent border plants, adding height and color. They also look great in mixed flower beds and can be planted in containers for patios and balconies.

Care and Tips

  • To keep your asters looking their best, water them regularly, especially during dry spells. Mulching around the plants can help
    retain moisture and keep the soil cool. Deadheading spent flowers encourages more blooms and keeps the plants tidy.


  • Asters are hardy plants that can withstand a range of temperatures. Most varieties are hardy in zones 4-8, making them suitable for many regions. They can come back year after year with proper care, providing lasting beauty.

Common Pests and

  • While asters are generally hardy, they can be prone to some pests and diseases. Aphids, powdery mildew, and rust can be issues. Regular monitoring and using organic treatments can help keep these problems in check.

Indoor vs. Outdoor

  • Asters can be grown both indoors and outdoors. While they thrive in gardens, they can also be grown in pots indoors if they get enough sunlight. Indoor asters can brighten up a room and add a touch of nature to your home.

Flower Last in Vase

  • Asters make excellent cut flowers. They can last up to two weeks in a vase if properly cared for. Change the water regularly and trim the stems to keep them fresh and vibrant.

Uses and Arrangements

Flower Arrangements

  • Asters are perfect for adding color and texture to flower arrangements. They pair well with other late-season blooms like chrysanthemums and dahlias. Use them in bouquets, centerpieces, or even as single stems in a simple vase.

Flower Gifting

  • Asters make thoughtful gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because. They convey a message of love, patience, and wisdom. When gifting asters, consider the recipient’s favorite colors and choose a bouquet that reflects their personality.

September Specific

Birth Stone of Said

The birthstone for September is the sapphire. Like the aster, sapphires symbolize wisdom and purity. Together, they make a meaningful and beautiful pair.

September Zodiac

People born in September fall under the zodiac signs of Virgo and Libra. Virgos are known for their practicality and attention to detail, while Libras are balanced and harmonious. Both signs can appreciate the beauty and symbolism of the aster.

September Birthdays

If you have a birthday in September, you’re lucky to have the beautiful aster as your birth flower. Many famous people were born in September, and they share this special flower with you.

September Birth Flower

There are many legends associated with the aster. In one story, asters were said to have sprung from the tears of the Greek goddess Astraea. Another legend tells of asters being used to ward off evil spirits. These tales add to the flower’s charisma and charm.

The aster, with its vibrant colors and rich symbolism, is a fitting birth flower for September. Whether planting them in your garden, using them in arrangements, or giving them as gifts, asters bring beauty and meaning to any occasion. So, celebrate September with the lovely aster and enjoy all this wonderful flower offers.

FAQs About September Birth Flower

If you resonate with adaptability, unwavering optimism, and a pearl of quiet inner wisdom, the aster might be your match. If your spirit embodies boundless dreams, a curious nature, and a gentle appreciation for life’s transient beauty, the morning glory might be your floral kindred.

Most aster varieties are cold-hardy and readily return year after year. Choose suitable varieties for your region and provide winter protection if necessary. Morning glories thrive as annuals in most climates but readily self-seed for a delightful surprise in the following year.

Asters blend harmoniously with mums, sunflowers, and ornamental grasses for a vibrant fall display. Morning glories complement zinnias, cosmos, and clematis for a whimsical climbing effect.

Dried aster petals can be used in potpourri or pressed for botanical art. Morning glory seeds can be used to create colorful jewelry or incorporated into art projects.

Celebrate the Spirit of September

September shimmers on the horizon, a bridge between the lingering warmth of summer and the crisp embrace of autumn. It’s a month woven with threads of golden sunlight, the rustle of falling leaves, and the bittersweet sigh of endings and beginnings. It’s a time to celebrate, not just the changing seasons, but the inherent beauty within our journeys, the resilience that blooms in the face of transition, and the unbridled joy that ripples through life’s tapestry.