A Complete Overview of the July Birth Flower – History, Meaning, and More

As sunshine lingers and days lengthen, July blooms with two captivating contradictions: the serene, ethereal water lily and the vibrant, sky-embracing larkspur. These July birth flowers offer contrasting yet complementary expressions of grace, resilience, and the endless pursuit of dreams. Let’s dive into their watery realm and soaring heights, uncovering their meanings, history, and practical tips, along with some intriguing FAQs to guide your floral exploration.

Flower and Color

  • Water Lily: These enigmatic beauties paint aquatic canvases with velvety pads in various shades of green, often accompanied by star-shaped blooms in a spectrum of white, creamy yellow, vibrant pink, and even deep purple. Imagine a Monet painting come to life!

Larkspur: These flamboyant dancers add drama to gardens and meadows with tall spikes boasting clusters of showy flowers in an electrifying palette. From classic blue and lavender to regal purple and soft pink, they mimic the summer sky in all its glory.

Flower Meanings

  • Water Lily: Layers of symbolism ripple within the water lily’s serene beauty. They represent purity, rebirth, and enlightenment, evoking a sense of tranquility and spiritual awakening. Their delicate nature speaks of resilience, reminding us that even in the deepest waters, beauty and strength can bloom.
  • Larkspur: These vibrant blooms whisper tales of open hearts, carefree joy, and unwavering hope. Their skyward reach symbolizes ambition and the pursuit of lofty dreams, while their diverse colors add layers of meaning. Blue signifies loyalty and trust, purple expresses creativity and imagination, and pink embodies warmth and affection.


  • Water Lily: These aquatic marvels rest gracefully on the surface of ponds and lakes, showcasing broad, rounded pads that cradle star-shaped blooms above the water. Their delicate, fragrant flowers unfurl their petals in the morning sun, adding a touch of ethereal magic to water gardens.
  • Larkspur: These statuesque blooms stand tall on slender stems, adorned with clusters of five-petaled flowers in vibrant hues. Their spiky forms resemble the mythical lark’s foot, hence their captivating name. Some varieties boast double blooms, adding a touch of luxurious fullness to their already dramatic display.

Growth Habit

  • Water Lily: These pond dwellers thrive in still or slow-moving water, requiring at least 6 hours of sunlight for optimal bloom production. Their rhizomes anchor in the mud beneath the water’s surface, sending up pads and flowers to greet the sun.
  • Larkspur: These adaptable blooms prefer well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. They readily self-seed, creating charming carpets of color in gardens and meadows. Some taller varieties benefit from staking for sturdy support.

Blooming Season

  • Water Lily: Enjoy their enchanting dance from early summer to early fall, with peak blooms often occurring in July and August. Their delicate petals unfurl with the sunrise and close again as twilight descends, adding a touch of theatrical charm to their aquatic display.
  • Larkspur: These vibrant dancers grace gardens with their colorful show from late spring to early summer. With proper deadheading, some varieties may rebloom for an extended burst of summery joy.


  • Water Lily: Most water lily varieties tolerate cold winters when planted deep enough in their pond. Ensure water depths of at least 18 inches to protect their crowns from freezing temperatures.
  • Larkspur: These hardy blooms thrive in USDA zones 3-8, readily enduring cold winters and returning with renewed vigor each spring. However, some taller varieties may require winter protection in colder climates.

Sunlight and Soil

  • Water Lily: Full sun is crucial for optimal blooming, while still or slow-moving water and nutrient-rich pond soil are key to their health and beauty. Provide adequate water depth to prevent drying out and ensure their delicate roots remain submerged.
  • Larkspur: Well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade are ideal for these vibrant blooms. Amend clay soil with organic matter and provide adequate ventilation to prevent fungal diseases. Regular watering during hot, dry periods encourages continued growth and flower production.

Garden Uses

  • Water Lily: Transform your pond into a Monet masterpiece with these captivating blooms. Choose varieties suited to your pond’s depth and sunlight conditions to create a vibrant oasis of color and tranquility.
  • Larkspur: Add a touch of summery drama to borders, cottage gardens, and meadows. Their tall spikes provide excellent background interest and attract pollinators, while their diverse colors offer endless design possibilities.

Complete History

  • Water Lily: Revered across cultures for their ethereal beauty and symbolism, water lilies have graced ponds and gardens for centuries. In ancient Egypt, they represented rebirth and the sun god Ra. In Hindu tradition, they symbolize purity and enlightenment. Throughout history, artists and poets have been captivated by their delicate charm, weaving them into stories and paintings that celebrate their timeless elegance.
  • Larkspur: These vibrant blooms boast a rich history intertwined with mythology and folklore. In ancient Greek legends, they were associated with the mythical lark, said to ascend to the heavens with its song. In the Victorian language of flowers, larkspurs represented an open heart and carefree spirit. Their vibrant hues continue to inspire artists and designers, their upward reach a symbol of ambition and the endless pursuit of dreams.

Meaning and Significance

  • Water Lily: As July birth flowers, water lilies represent individuals born under this sign as serene, introspective, and deeply connected to their emotions. Their quiet strength lies in their resilience, navigating life’s currents with grace and finding beauty in unexpected places. These ethereal blooms remind us to seek tranquility amidst the chaos, embrace our spiritual journey, and find strength in our inner depths.
  • Larkspur: If born in July, the larkspur embodies your optimistic spirit, unwavering hope, and boundless creativity. Your vibrant energy draws others in, while your ambitious nature propels you towards your dreams. These skyward blooms remind us to reach for the stars, embrace joy in all its forms, and keep our hearts ever open to the possibilities that life unfolds.

Fun Facts

  • The largest water lily pad on record measured over 10 feet in diameter, creating a miniature floating island!
  • Larkspurs were once used as a natural dye, producing shades of blue and purple used in fabrics and paints.
  • In some cultures, water lilies are associated with dreams and intuition, believed to offer glimpses into the subconscious mind.
  • The name “larkspur” comes from the Latin word “calcar,” meaning “spur,” due to the resemblance of its flower shape to the spur on a lark’s foot.

Caring for Your July Birth Flower

  • Whether you’ve received a captivating bouquet of water lilies or larkspurs, or nurture them in your garden, knowing how to care for them will prolong their beauty. Here are some tips:
  • Cut flowers:
    • Water Lily: These delicate blooms require special handling. Fill a shallow dish with cool water and gently float the lilies on its surface. Mist them regularly to prevent dehydration and change the water every few days.
    • Larkspur: Trim stems at an angle and remove any leaves below the waterline. Place them in a clean vase with fresh water and flower preservatives. Keep them away from direct sunlight and drafts.
  • Garden water lilies: Plant in containers suitable for aquatic plants and place them in your pond with at least 6 hours of sunlight. Ensure adequate water depth and nutrient-rich pond soil. Divide rhizomes every few years to maintain healthy growth.
  • Garden larkspurs: Sow seeds directly in garden beds after the last frost or start them indoors for earlier blooms. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continued blooming and provide support for tall varieties.

FAQs about July Birth Flower

f you resonate with quiet contemplation, spiritual awareness, and an inner strength that flows beneath the surface, the water lily might be your match. If your spirit embodies boundless energy, a carefree joy, and the unwavering pursuit of your dreams, the larkspur might be your floral kindred.

Both water lilies and larkspurs offer cold-hardy varieties suitable for various climates. Choose water lilies suited to your pond’s depth and winter temperatures, and provide winter protection for taller larkspur varieties in colder zones.

Water lilies harmonize with lotus flowers, irises, and ornamental grasses for a serene water garden display. Larkspurs complement daisies, cosmos, and sunflowers for a vibrant summery meadow effect.

Dried water lily pads can be used for decorative crafts or pressed for botanical art. Larkspur petals can be infused into syrups for cocktails or baked goods, adding a subtle floral hint.

Celebrate the Spirit of July

From their contrasting appearances to their diverse meanings, the water lily and the larkspur paint a captivating picture of July’s spirit. Whether you find solace in the water lily’s quiet grace or soar with the larkspur’s vibrant enthusiasm, let these July birth flowers inspire you to connect with your inner depths, embrace your dreams,