October birth flower chart


Ever wonder why certain flowers are linked to specific months? Birth flowers are like zodiac signs, but for people who love plants. Each month has its flower, and these blooms carry special meanings. For October, it’s the beautiful and mysterious Marigold and Cosmos.

October Birth Flower Facts: Learn and Explore

General Information

Flower of the Month:

October’s birth flowers are the Marigold and Cosmos. Marigolds are known for their bright, fiery colors, and they’re often seen in gardens, adding a splash of sunshine. On the other hand, Cosmos bring a softer touch with their daisy-like blooms in pink, white, and purple. Together, they represent the balance of bold and gentle.


Marigolds are bright and cheerful, with petals in orange, yellow, and red shades. They have a distinct, almost spicy scent. Cosmos are more delicate, with feathery leaves and soft petals. Their flowers can be pink, white, or even chocolate-colored.

Meaning and Symbolism

Marigolds symbolize warmth, creativity, and passion. They’re often associated with the sun due to their vibrant colors. Cosmos represent harmony and order. Their name comes from the Greek word for “order” or “harmony,” fitting their perfectly symmetrical petals.

Origin and History

Marigolds originated in the Americas and were brought to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 16th century. They quickly became popular in gardens for their beauty and ability to repel pests. Cosmos are native to Mexico and were named by Spanish priests who grew them in their mission gardens.

Interesting Facts

Did you know marigolds are used in Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico? They believe the bright petals help guide spirits back to the living. Cosmos were named by Spanish priests who saw their perfectly symmetrical petals and thought they were a symbol of divine order.

Cultural Significances

Marigolds are a big deal in Mexican culture, especially during Dia de los Muertos. They’re thought to attract the souls of the dead back to earth. Cosmos symbolise peace and love, making them popular in wedding bouquets and gardens worldwide.

Modern Day Uses

These flowers aren’t just for show. Marigolds are used in cooking, dyes, and even medicine. They’re known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Cosmos are popular in gardens and flower arrangements due to their long blooming season and beautiful colors.

Healing Properties

Marigolds are used in traditional medicine to treat wounds and skin irritations. They have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cosmos attract beneficial insects to the garden, promoting overall plant health.

What Do October Birth Flowers Say About Personality

Marigolds suggest you are vibrant and full of energy if you’re born in October. You’re not afraid to stand out and make a statement. Cosmos indicate a harmonious and balanced personality. You value peace and have a natural grace.

Types and Varieties


Many marigolds exist, including the African, French, and Signet marigolds. Each has unique characteristics, from size to scent. Cosmos varieties include Cosmos bipinnatus, Cosmos sulphureus, and Cosmos atrosanguineus, each offering different colors and sizes.
African marigolds are the largest, with blooms up to 5 inches across. French marigolds are smaller but very fragrant. Cosmos bipinnatus, or garden cosmos, is the most common type, with feathery foliage and large blooms.

Flower Colors with Their Meanings

Marigolds come in vibrant shades of orange, yellow, and red. These colors symbolize warmth, happiness, and positivity. Cosmos flowers are usually pink, white, or purple, representing love, peace, and harmony.

Growth and Care

Growth Habit

Marigolds are easy to grow and care for, making them a gardener’s favourite. They thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Cosmos are also low-maintenance, preferring sunny spots and regular watering.
Marigolds grow in a bushy habit, filling out garden beds nicely. They can reach heights of up to 3 feet, depending on the variety. Cosmos have a more airy growth habit, with slender stems that sway in the breeze, reaching heights of 2 to 6 feet.

Blooming Season

  • Marigolds bloom from spring until the first frost, providing long-lasting color. Cosmos have a similarly long blooming period, often flowering from summer to fall. This makes them perfect for keeping your garden vibrant for months.

Sunlight and Soil

  • Both marigolds and cosmos love full sun. Marigolds prefer well-drained soil that’s not too rich, as overly fertile soil can lead to more leaves than flowers. Cosmos are more forgiving and can thrive in poor soil, though they do best in well-drained conditions.

Garden Uses

  • Marigolds are great for borders, containers and companion plants to deter pests. Cosmos are ideal for wildflower gardens, borders, and adding height to flower beds. Both can be used to create stunning displays of color.

Care and Tips

  • Keep marigolds well-watered, especially during dry spells, but avoid getting the leaves wet to prevent disease. Deadhead spent blooms to encourage more flowers. For cosmos, water regularly until established, then they’re quite drought-tolerant. Deadhead to prolong blooming.


  • Marigolds are hardy annuals, thriving in USDA zones 2-11. Cosmos are also annuals but are known for their ability to thrive in poor soil and hot conditions. Both flowers are relatively pest-resistant, making them easy choices for gardeners.

Common Pests and

  • Marigolds can be affected by aphids, spider mites, and fungal diseases if overwatered. Cosmos are generally pest-free but can sometimes attract aphids. Regular inspection and proper watering can keep these problems at bay.

Indoor vs. Outdoor

  • Marigolds can be grown indoors with enough light but prefer being outside. Cosmos are best grown outdoors due to their height and need for sunlight. However, both can be started indoors and transplanted outside once the weather warms up.

Flower Last in Vase

  • Marigolds can last up to a week in a vase if cut correctly. Cosmos are more delicate, usually lasting 3-5 days. To extend the vase’s life, cut the flowers early in the morning and place them in water immediately.

Uses and Arrangements

Flower Arrangements

  • Marigolds bring a pop of color and are great for adding volume to arrangements. They pair well with other autumn flowers like chrysanthemums and dahlias. Cosmos add a light, airy feel and work well in casual, boho-style arrangements.

Flower Gifting

  • Giving marigolds can symbolize appreciation and joy. They’re perfect for birthdays and celebrations. Cosmos, meaning peace and love, makes thoughtful gifts for weddings and anniversaries or brightens someone’s day.

October Specific

Birth Stone of Said

October’s birthstone is the opal, known for its stunning play of colors. Like marigolds and cosmos, opals are vibrant and unique. Pairing these flowers with an opal gift can create a beautifully themed birthday present.

October Zodiac

October-born individuals fall under the zodiac signs of Libra and Scorpio. Libras are known for their balance and harmony, much like the cosmos. Scorpios are passionate and bold, similar to the vibrant marigold.

October Birthdays

October is a month of change, with leaves turning and temperatures dropping. Marigolds and cosmos, with their bright colors, bring warmth and beauty to gardens and homes. They’re a perfect reminder of the summer that’s passed and the cosiness of fall.
If you know someone with an October birthday, gifting them marigolds or cosmos can be a meaningful gesture. These flowers are a lovely way to celebrate their special day and show you care.

October Birth Flower

Legend states that marigolds were named after the Virgin Mary and were often called “Mary’s Gold.” They were used in religious ceremonies and as offerings. Cosmos are said to bring order and harmony wherever they grow, believed to be divine creations by those who named them.

FAQs About October Birth Flower

If you resonate with passionate energy, unwavering optimism, and a spirit that brightens every room, the marigold might be your match. If your spirit embodies gentle peace, a deep connection to nature, and a love for life’s simple joys, the cosmos might be your floral kindred.

Most marigold varieties are tender annuals, surviving only until frost. However, some hardier varieties can withstand mild winters with winter mulching. Cosmos typically thrive as annuals but readily self-seed, offering delightful surprises in the following year.

Marigolds complement mums, pumpkins, and ornamental grasses for a bold fall display. Cosmos blend harmoniously with zinnias, sunflowers, and other late-blooming wildflowers for a vibrant and cheerful garden tapestry.

Dried marigold petals can be used in potpourri or incorporated into autumnal craft projects. Cosmos seeds can be used to create unique jewelry or adorn homemade greeting cards.

Let the Spirit of October Bloom

From their contrasting appearances to their diverse meanings, the marigold and the cosmos paint a captivating picture of October’s spirit. Whether you find warmth and strength in the marigold’s fiery embrace or peace and harmony in the cosmos’ airy dance, let these October birth flowers inspire you. Embrace the changing seasons with open arms, nurture your inner fire and gentle spirit, and find joy in the vibrant tapestry of life. May October’s golden light illuminate your path and guide you toward a season filled with warmth, optimism, and unbridled joy.

Remember, October’s beauty lies not just in the changing leaves, but in the way it awakens the vibrant spirit within each of us. So, step outside, breathe in the crisp air, and let the dazzling duo of marigolds and cosmos guide you toward a season of joyful living.